Facebook Extends Reels' Maximum Video Length to 90 seconds

Facebook Extends Reels' Maximum Video Length to 90 seconds

News by Joanna Nodado
Published: March 06, 2023

Tech giant Meta has announced major updates for Facebook — extending Reels' maximum video length and other new "creative expression tools" for its users.

From 60 seconds, users can now create Reels that are up to 90 seconds long, providing more time for creativity and storytelling.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

The social media mobile app is also rolling out other features allowing creators to easily create ready-made reels from trending templates and share Facebook Memories. 

Meanwhile, through the visual beat technology of Facebook Grooves, users can now automatically align and sync the motion of their videos to the beat of any song. 

All these new features are a big win for advertisers who use Reels to showcase their products and services. The longer video format gives them more time to engage with their audience and share their message meaningfully. This also means advertisers can create more complex ads that provide a better user experience.

Advertisers can use this new feature by creating longer, more engaging Reels that showcase their brand and products. They can also use this feature to tell a story or provide educational content, which can help build trust with their audience.

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