Exclusive: Engagement, Adoption and Retention Key Metrics for UX Success, Expert Reveals

Exclusive: Engagement, Adoption and Retention Key Metrics for UX Success, Expert Reveals

News by Roberto Orosa
Published: March 08, 2023

Engagement, adoption and retention are the three critical metrics that determine the success of a UX design, according to a leading design expert. 

Kellie White, head of user experience design at Bottomline, explains that these factors play a pivotal role in UX and can ultimately impact the success of a company’s product or service. 

In an exclusive interview with Spotlight, White also shared the importance of engagement, or the level of use customers get, adoption, or the percentage of new users gained, and retention, or the rate of customers returning.  

“These are measured by in-product analytics, by things like page views, sessions and time spent on the product,” she added. 

White reveals that her team would also capture more UX-specific metrics such as Task Success, making sure app users get to complete the tasks they came to do, and Time on Task, which measures the time people take to complete tasks. “These metrics help to indicate where customers are struggling in your app,” she added. 

Lastly, White emphasizes on the importance of attitudinal metrics, and capturing customer feedback via in-app surveys. “With these, you’d find out and track things like customer satisfaction, whether customers think your app or brand is credible or not, how loyal a customer they are and how easy they think your app is to use,” the Head of Design added. 

The rise of ePayments 

Last year has seen an 89% rise in digital payments, according to a McKinsey report. However, fintech companies are still having a hard time catching up to the changing market. 

According to White, this could be attributed to the demand for secure and frictionless payment options, the pandemic which changed consumer behavior, and the challenging economic times.  

That, coupled with the consumer rise in digital wallets, contactless payments, social commerce and embedded payment links, we’re sure to have continued growth in digital and real-time payments,” White explained. 

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