OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Pro at $42 Per Month

OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Pro at $42 Per Month

News by Marge Serrano
Published: January 25, 2023

Once again, OpenAI's groundbreaking chatbot is displaying "ChatGPT is at capacity right now." As regular users who are used to the frequent shutdowns patiently wait to be able to chat with the AI, the desire for a pro version of ChatGPT inches further. 

Fortunately for OpenAI's loyal fanbase, reports indicate they do not have to wait long for ChatGPT Pro to become accessible. Early trials for the ChatGPT Pro are ongoing, and user feedback so far has been positive such as in the case of Zahid Khawaja. 

Khawaja shared a screen recording of ChatGPT Pro over Twitter on Sunday. The video showed a faster response time by the chatbot upgrade to his test prompt. It also revealed the current subscription pricing of ChatGPT Pro, which is $42 per month. 

The current price of ChatGPT Pro is still being determined, as this is just a trial version, and OpenAI is still accepting feedback from the waiting list posted on Discord and Twitter. Users interested in trying their luck can fill out the form here. Should you be selected, OpenAI will reach out and discuss payment options. 

ChatGPT Pro Pricing 

The price surprised some Netizens as OpenAI Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sam Altman revealed that the average recommended price for a ChatGPT subscription is in "single-digit cents." The pricing may even vary as users have also suggested regional pricing for ChatGPG stating that costs must be adjusted around a country's economy. 

Altman explained that ChatGPT is considered a paid version because of the "eye-watering" costs of maintaining ChatGPT. There's also the fact that the company needs to scale the chatbot to keep up with the demands and lessen the frequency of its shutdowns. Simultaneously, OpenAI recently signed a deal with Microsoft securing a steady investment from the tech giant. 

Despite the growing demand and dependence on the chatbot, some users are hesitant about the $42 subscription fee. Users reason that other chatbots in the market have a lower price range and may switch over to a ChatGPT alternative should the bot be monetized completely. 

There is no final date yet on the official release of ChatGPT Pro as OpenAI employees remain tight-lipped, stating, "Unfortunately, ChatGPT professional access is not available for subscription at this time." 

Mixed reactions on the pricing aside, users are still looking forward to the pro version since it will have no more blackout and throttling while doubling the daily message limit of the ChatGPT artificial intelligence. 

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